Diet Plan Includes: Our HCG Weight Loss diet plan does not focus on a limited amount of calories the way other hcg plans do. Our plan focuses on eating 3 meals a day consisting of lean proteins and vegetables with 2 low glycemic fruits per day as snacks. This plan is very easy to follow and we give you a simple outline showing you how to setup your meals. With regular meals the body is being fueled frequently which helps to curb cravings and reduce drops in sugar levels.
HCG History: A hormone that aids and supports normal functions in both male and female reproductive systems. HCG was discovered in the late 1920’s but it wasn’t until the 1950’s when it began being used as a weight loss aid. Dr. ATW Simeons developed the first hcg protocol in 1954 when he published the book called “Pounds and Inches.” Dr. ATW Siemons found that if you injected people who were not pregnant with small amounts of the pregnancy hormone HCG that they would lose up to 2000 calories a day from the body’s fat stores. When this is combined with a healthy diet, the results are amazing.
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