Current research suggests that telemedicine has the potential to expand the delivery of clinical services to people with ADHD, especially through the COVID-19 pandemic where it can be a risk to leave your house and visit the clinic. Both Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital have released research that telemedicine may benefit people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and expand the delivery of clinical services. Preliminary findings suggest that telemedicine is a lot more accessible and particularly useful for ADHD patients in rural or disadvantaged environments, and also was associated with improved ADHD symptoms. If you are on medication for ADD and are looking to talk to a doctor online in Tampa, call Padgett Medical Center to schedule a consultation today.


Telemedicine May Help With ADHD and ADD


Research currently suggests that telemedicine is highly useful in bringing assessment and pharmacologic treatment to children and adults with ADHD who otherwise wouldn’t have access to expert clinicians. Even though more research is necessary to determine the best use of telemedicine for all elements of health care delivery for children and adults with ADHD, talking to professionals online can be a great way to manage the condition and be prescribed medication for ADD when going to a clinic could be a risk. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is one of the most common conditions that is diagnosed in children. Even though children without the condition can be fidgety and restless often, ADHD/ADD is diagnosed when these symptoms occur frequently and to a degree that they interfere with the child’s functioning or behavior both at home and in school. For adults, it is when their symptoms interfere with their work or personal life. A variety of symptoms can be part of inattention, including but not limited to:

  • Easily distracted
  • Forgetful
  • Trouble with organization


Hyperactivity and impulsivity can include but are not limited to the following symptoms:

  • Always on the go
  • Squirming in their seat or fidgety
  • Difficulty waiting for their turn


Talk To A Doctor Online About Your ADD or ADHD


When you are on a video call with Padgett Medical Center, your therapist and/or psychiatrist will ask you a series of targeted questions in order to figure out if your symptoms point to ADHD/ADD. Your provider will then proceed to lay out the best treatment plan for your needs. Your provider may recommend an in-person examination by a specialist if this is necessary. Based on the duration, severity of symptoms, and you or your child’s medical history, a treatment plan will be put into action. You may be asked questions about work, home environments, and habits. After a diagnosis has been made, the clinician will go over the risks and benefits of various interventions. The treatment plan may include:

  • Medications that can be helpful for treatment
  • Team activities
  • Strategies for restful sleep
  • Establishing simple and predictable routines
  • Education about how diet can affect ADHD symptoms


Contact Us Today


You may want to talk to a doctor online regarding medication for ADD and ADHD. Call Padgett Medical Center in Tampa today to make an appointment or find out more!