ADHD is a condition that plagues thousands of adults and children in the United States. For people who suffer from ADHD, there are medications that are available which doctors can prescribe to help with the condition. So how does ADHD medication for adults work? Why exactly do stimulants and other kinds of ADHD medication help …
Category Archives: ADHD
Talk To A Doctor Online About Adult ADD & ADHD
Current research suggests that telemedicine has the potential to expand the delivery of clinical services to people with ADHD, especially through the COVID-19 pandemic where it can be a risk to leave your house and visit the clinic. Both Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital have released research that telemedicine may benefit people with …
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Monitoring Adult ADD with Medication Management
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD) isn’t just a childhood problem. An estimated 4 percent of the adult population in the United States has ADHD. But few adults ever receive an accurate diagnosis or appropriate treatment. Adult ADD is a mental condition that intrudes on a person’s ability to maintain attention, manage excitable behavior, and control …
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ADHD Can Occur In Adults
Were you newly introduced to the world of ADHD? Are there any grey areas that you wish you could understand. Here at Padgett Medical Center in Orlando, our team of professionals is here to make sure you understand all the symptoms of ADHD. We specialize in attention deficit disorder in adults. When it comes to …